Look what I found-I'm so excited! Isn't it so cute? Miss Bug is needing a few more decorations for her room and this will be a great addition. I saw this lady's blog on someone else's blogsite (can't remember who--sorry) and checked out her stuff on etsy.com and just had to get this---used that 'free money' that I made from Ebay (see a few posts back).
Go to sarahandabraham to view her items. She is also having a sale. If you buy the frame you get the print for free..including personalized prints. You get to pick your color, graphic, etc. I chose walnut, but am considering painting the frame a different color once I get it. We'll see how it looks in her room.
Check out the site though. It is really cute and she responded so quickly and sent me a proof of what mine would look like before she sent it out. Can't wait to get it.
I think it was me ... I own a ton of her stuff ... she even blogged about me. Very exciting! Love your art and you will love her products!
Thanks for remembering for me--I like to call my forgetfulness 'post pregnancy brain'. :)
These are very cute - I looked at these yesterday. How large are they? Like 16 x 16?
adding you, adding you...
doing it now.
Thank you so much - I really appreciate it! You and the Lawyer's Wife are two of my favorite customers - please come back and shop again soon! :)
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