Saturday, September 13, 2008

Last Day of Vacay...

For part of our vacation we went camping as you saw previously, then we went to see Clemsongirl. Our reason for seeing Clemsongirl was because she is our realtor. As mentioned a while back, we are trying to sell our house in South Georgia because we are relocating to the North Atlanta area. We looked in several areas and spent the day in Clemsongirl's monogrammed minivan checking out neighborhoods and how far the local Super Target (or even just a Target will do) would be from our future home! She was great. So sweet, so incredibly funny and a great, down-t0-Earth realtor. She has an internal radar that tells her where the Targets are, too. Promise.

I thought my husband would be sick and tired of hearing us yapyapyap up in the front seat, but he had a really good time. He has read a few of your blogs, so he could somewhat follow our conversation. It was really cool to actually 'know' someone rather than just picking a random realtor out of the blue. I was going to meet The Pink Clutch, but she was sick. And Clemsongirl got to see pics of Love & Labs baby girls! It was like we'd know each other for years.......

She has worked very hard for us trying to figure out what the heck we want (when sometimes WE don't even know what We want!) and we are anxiously awaiting the day that we can house hunt because our house here in South Georgia has s-o-l-d! (And little does she know that she will be the only person I will know within about 100 miles of me and I will need more than just her witty blog to keep me going!)

So, today is our last day with Mamaw and Papaw in the East Tennessee mountains. I will be visiting my grandmother and some other family and get everything packed. Would like to kick and scream and ball up my fists and beat the floor and throw a temper tantrum, but I don't think it would work. If I thought it would, I would be doing it at this very moment.

And I'll leave you with this: the post where she showed the pictures of Coach's abs is for-real. I cannot say I saw those abs with my own two eyes, but I did see Coach and it wouldn't surprise me a bit that those abs belonged to her...I mean him. Well, they do belong to her, too, right? Hmmmmmmmmm....


The Pink Clutch said...

email me your address, your sassy happy is ready to ship!

Kim said...

Congratulations on selling the house!

House shopping is so much more fun when you don't have an extra house laying around!

Welcome to Atlanta.

The 5 Bickies said...

What fun...househunting with Clemsongirl. Sounds like she is so fun she could sell tickets!

Good Luck with selling, moving, and buying.

Jessi said...

Welcome to North Atlanta! I live up 400, exit 12.