Friday, August 22, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay... here I guess? Kids had no school today. My college roommate/dear friend who lives in Orlando didn't have school Tuesday, Wednesday and then they had it on Thursday. She said Thursday ended up being the worst day yet, but nobody forecasted that one. Then she didn't have school again today. Oh the dear peeps who forecast the weather. It is a toughie!

So, we have had rain I have 2 small children. We have been cooped up in the house practically We have played, played, watch TV, played video game on TV, read, talked on the phone (that would be me), etc. It is a bit boring, you think? Yes, it is.

And so is this post. I'm sorry. That's all I've got. Cancelled the garage sale. Am over that one.

And have I told you that it has rained and we've had to play in the house all. day. long?

By the way, is it a coincidence that my mother-in-law's name is Fay? I think not. You might get that intense scoop sometime soon. I can't hold it in much longer and need to vent to my bloggy friends.

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