Saturday, October 25, 2008

Too Funny Not To Post

So the cat's out of the bag--now you know where I stand. Oh well. It was bound to happen sometime. But this is some funny stuff!

You know it is!


Mrs. Fabulous said...

That was FUNNY! I'm right there wit-cha!

just ask beth said...

So true!! Just to let you lnow, TODAY SUNDAY is MIL day!! How funny, can you believe it. Call her up and let her know you were thinking of her.. She would poo in her panties, I mean it's not SURGERY, it's MIL day why WOULDN'T I call you heeheee!

Lipstick said...

I love this cartoon! It is hilarious, and I think, completely accurate.

Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

Love it too! :)

Surf Girl said...

Very funny - I'm there too!

Sandra said...

Love this joke!! Quite accurate!!! The blog you asked about is a place to discuss politics, etc.

Jill said...

Hilarious! We did the same thing with our 9yo son who was for Obama. He got allowance and we told him we need 1/2 of it back to give to the people who couldn't work for money so they could buy candy and video games.

Scarlet O'Kara said...

Well this just makes me love you even more!

The wife said...

Love it! I explained it to my daughter with a grade perspective, you work hard to make an A and someone else in your class doesn't work hard and makes a C. So your teacher decides the fair thing to do is give you both a B. Like your's better!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

You're one of us! Yay! Lol.

By the way, I found the cutest tartan nutcrackers at Target yesterday. I'm going to post a picture of them (stay tuned)... They're darling.