Friday, July 4, 2008


Life is good. Big Brother is gone with Daddy to watch fireworks. Miss Bug is supposed to be going to bed but all I hear is her banging around in her crib. And I am sitting with Daddy's laptop and watching CrapTV--TV's Sexist Doctors Of All Time. You can always count in E! to give you craptv that you love. I think it will be Patrick Dempsey. Will let you know if I'm still posting by the time this is over.

I will leave you with a 'funny' for the day--a conversation with Big Brother:

Me: Big Brother, it's rest time (sounds better than the dreaded nap word). Remember, if you want to go see fireworks then you have to lay down for a little while.

Big Brother: But can I just watch one more show?

Me: No.

Big Brother (Under his breath): Kill joy.

I WAS CRACKING UP! The 4 1/2 year old can use in context.......
Can anyone name the movie this is from?

I'm off to shop on Ebay and Etsy. Just bought some cards custom made by Sara and Abraham--if you are interested in her stuff which is oh-so-cute, click on her name on my blog roll.

Everybody BE SAFE! I don't want to read any posts about small children and fire!

PS. It was George Clooney who was the #1 sexiest TV doc. Patrick Dempsey was #2. I'd probably have to

1 comment:

Lipstick said...

"kill joy"-that is hysterical! It is so funny when something grown-up comes out of such a little person!